First of all, Dr. Bass, you have my appreciation for your clarity and bravery in speaking so thoughtfully in sharing a deep wound rendered by people breaking their bond with you as a student in their institution and doing it so poorly, violating so many laws and norms and procedures and decencies. Your discussion is applicable, as I have told my subscribers in my not cross posting this article to the DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com, to the pathocracy of the UN, Pact for the Future, Climate Change and all the other unscientific rationales for total global tyranny. The parallels are uncanny.

I hope you will direct your readers to https://PreventGenocide2030.org where they can take part in the urgently important ending of this tyranny in very practical terms.

In addition, I would welcome the opportunity to interview you for my podcasts.

My email is releyes3@gmail.com. Please reach out to m,e.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

This is horrendous and yet not surprising by the herd pack of medically trained automatons and weak, woke university establishment puppets who march only to CDC and AMA dictate. This is CYA ideology despite science. After these displays of attacks on science (you and other prominent doctors and epidemiologists), I, and undoubtedly many others, have lost complete respect for the medical profession. They've become merely robots versus critical and scientific appraisers of human physiology and healing. Only when I am desperate do I think about going to a traditionally trained MD, otherwise my functional docs have done me well over the years. I am sorry that your good talents were slandered because of fear and tribalism....let's call it indoctrination, the same type that facilitated the medical atrocities during the Holocaust. Groupthink and fear are poweful tools in the wrong hands.

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I coined the terms, "Social Justice Personality Disorder" and "The Nervous Breakdown Approach" to capture the people and the dramas that have played out in your life. Briefly, the only way to disrupt the hell on earth these Cluster B folks are creating is for well-integrated leaders to return fire with a hailstorm of truth, which will necessarily stimulate nervous breakdowns (decompensation, fragmentation, attack). As these leaders endure through the tumult they will gradually overwhelm the borderlines and the narcissists, many of whom will slide deeper into their pathologies but will no longer be dangerous. Many of them will get bored and move on to less formidable targets. Some of them will die off. An army of well differentiated soldiers can defeat the smaller numbers of SJPD terrorists over time. If we do not defeat them in the West, the West dies.

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Love that term you coined. SJPD! Perfect! This is really disturbing & sad. Just awful. Differences of opinion or facts can no longer be tolerated. We must push through this brick wall. We must rise together & climb over this wall. Press on Mr. Bass! There’s another group of sane supporters of your logical thinking & factual conclusions of the covid debacle. These parasites are power seekers. Don’t give it to em. Thanks for standing up for truth! The real power!

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Get past the personal attacks. Not around them. Not through them.

Jump over them. Expose the fraud.

They are terrorized by the thought of it.

Give students and faculty a way to give you information that some of them may wish to share.

Reach out to the parents of injured students through a lawyer.

. . . For starters.

- And get a lawyer.

You will prevail with a campaign to expose their fraud ( including authored papers and studies (by way of example)).

Forget defending against the attacks. The stronger your offense - the more unforced errors you will continue to force them to make.

Their attacks actually serve you, not them. Run your campaign right and you can capitalize on everything they have done, and will continue to do, later.

Jump right over them.

You have those skills.



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Things change. Maintain a high altitude and be over the target when more dust gets stirred up.

The higher the altitude that you maintain- the more support you are likely to get.

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The last paragraph of Christopher Rufo (so?) is really enlightening to me! It explains a lot about the negative shift in public civility and normal discourse that I have witnessed in my 76 year lifetime. Lucky for me, my closest friends and neighbors are Amish who seem a throwback to 150 years ago in more ways than one. Watching them is refreshing and creates a bubble of happiness that I see missing in the “outside “ world.

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Wow, thanks for sharing. One comment and one question - Comment - As far as I know Rufo got the Cluster B society from who I think is its originator: Josh of Disaffected Podcast, check it out if you haven't already. Question - did the police service ever give the evidence you requested? Have they acknowledged it was a false trespass claim?

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In Australia the national medical licensee authority issued a statement that anyone who said anything that undermined the national immunization policy risked their licence... That the most we can say is that we are a conscious objector, we can't tell patients why we disagree with COVID immunisation policy as we might persuade them not to comply... I can't remember off the top of my head if its all public health policy or just immunization policy. The government has also just introduced a bill legislating against misinformation - even one of the COVID era public health officers has spoken out against that. As a medical student the orthodoxy is chilling. The intolerance within the profession for differences of opinion and values is scary. The Left scares me now... As someone committed to the disadvantaged and underprivileged.

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I restacked this article. How else can I assist you in exposing this insane targeted destruction?

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Praying you will find a way to vindication for these wrong doings against you. These zealots need to be seen for what they are and punished by the law.

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Very neat, surgical analysis. You hit it on the head. I’ve gone through a similar, though much simpler scenario even in my own small world, by comparison. The emotional toll is daily because the torture - even from silence - is real and intentional.

But I would be remiss if I didn’t add that as a disciple of Jesus Christ and an adherent of his teachings and those of the biblical Scriptures, without his strength and wisdom, his grace and mercy, I would have crawled into a hole and died. And it certainly helps that he, himself ‘went through it’ during his final days of earthly ministry. But because he rose from the dead and transferred that same power to his followers, I can rise up every day and live my life and pursue my calling in defiance of the powers of darkness for whom Truth and Light are anathema. ‘I AM the Way and the Truth and the Light’, he said. He’s demonstrated to me repeatedly in ways that cannot be coincidence that HE IS, and that he is trustworthy, able and willing to save and help those who join his tribe. I’m all in, and have been my entire adult life. So, at 65 years young, I’m giving the plug for Team Jesus. Why pursue ‘truth’ if only for this life? Was it Maximus that said it? ‘What we do here echoes throughout eternity!’

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I’m shocked but not shocked at how deep the evil is. It truly is evil. The far left is evil, I’m sorry to say, but there is no other reason. I’m not religious nor even Christian, but I do know that this is a spiritual war for our souls. These attacks on you are part of what you signed up for in this physical life but you are strong and noble and courageous. Don’t forgo your own mental and physical health to prove you are correct. Forgiveness is the way out.

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Now is the time to pray unceasingly. If you would listen to Bible in a Year and Father Schmitz you would understand the importance of seeking the Divine via his emissary, Jesus Christ. Scientific rationalism has ended at where we are. The only way to win against evil is through divine intervention and the armor the holy God provides.

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It sounds like there are a handful of evil children running TT. I'm older than you and have a way different vocation but, like you, the course of my life has been that I am repeatedly called to stand for truth and be the light although I am surrounded by agressive and insane liars. Maybe our real purpose will probably be reaized after our life on this planet is over.

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If you don’t have a lawyer already then it looks like you need to get a good one asap…

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where do you have helpful lawyers ? in the uk I sought around for useful legal help over the past decade and the barristers i spoke to said theres no hope anymore, its all gone too far. Prince Charles, as was, said there was no hope as it had all gone too far now and was out of his hands .. where are there lawyers that can even address these things when the mainstream itself has been captured by certain ideas ??

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Somewhere topic about germ/bacterial fraud and youtubes of Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Cowan, etc. Has anyone the link or what Stacker posted? Oh my! Thanks

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Had an similar issue and my first mistake, at the time, was responding to the person at all because this wasn't on social media but a direct email. After that first time I learned my lesson and just don't respond.

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