We could be using technology to make platforms to solve problems in large groups. But our algorithms feed the division. There is another way.

Groups of humans solving problems can be amazing. But also dangerous. Groups can put rockets into space, but we can also turn into groupthink and tyrants. Why does this happen?

All powerful things can be dangerous. Electricity, nuclear energy, flight. When it comes to groups of people labels are the enemy. Labels form echo chambers. Echo chambers form groupthink. And groupthink leads to tyranny.

We must solve problems without labels, when we solve in large groups. But we also need to be sure online that the other person isn’t an ai or bot. But the question is how?

We can NOT let a centralized entity be the gatekeeper to that because it will become corrupted. If we don’t do it we will be infiltrated with ai and bots. And if we continue to do nothing our systems will continue to stay corrupted.

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Domains and codomains. Anyhow, good luck.

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I have been targeted since I started recovering my memories of being a human subject in the covert government program known as MKUltra; I started recovering these memories in Feb. 2021. I also have memories of having been trafficked, along with other children, to US Navy officers on government property. My mother was a Superior Court judge for 25 years, so much of the intimidation and harassment comes from government sources: public school administrators, the Sheriff’s office, a U.S. Postal Inspector. My mother has some prominence in a Satanic cult so I get harassed and stalked by Satanic cult members as well. Gang stalking is a phenomena of Satanic groups; I have been gang stalked in Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Hawaii. I have had, and am currently experiencing many of the tactics you describe being utilized by the Stasi, including having lost my job at Microsoft in 2019, being unable to find a new job, and ultimately going onto disability for PTSD. I know several of my gang stalkers and I believe, as you noted, they are hired, or coerced into participating in my harassment. I have tried to report to the FBI but never got a call back. I have no privacy, medical or legal; all of my human rights have been violated and nobody seems to care about this or be willing to do anything about this. It’s unreal that I went from being a normal citizen who worked 60 hours a week as a Program Manager at Microsoft to someone whose voice must be silenced at all cost.

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This is a really good start to scientifically examine the loss of heterodoxy. Its value was first introduced to me in the book “The Argumentative Indian” by Amartya Sen.

I think that what’s taken the place of thought advancement is efficiency in terms of societal primacy. The problem is that efficient machines and tactics can rapidly transform without regard to good or evil, beneficial or detrimental social structures.

From your post the answer appears to be to wholly disengage. Cancel the virtual culture by cancelling social media. Disrupt surveillance by forcing it back into direct human interactions.

I think you’re on the verge of a real impactful monograph.

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For your troubles.


When your 36 they might allow you back in education. But Amerucan University Blacklisting is something I have experience with and it's probably in your benefit to finish overseas. Early- mid twenties, like you I was Blacklisted and Induced to Incarceration by clandestine methodologies. The second time around a decade later, The same methodologies were employed with worse results. Forced Migration this time around.

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