Thanks for this great set of pertinent quotes.

As early as 25 March, 2020, knowledgeable people have been trying to raise awareness of the need for proper vitamin D3 supplementation to tackle COVID-19 - both to reduce the risk of severe symptoms and to reduce disease intensity in general, which has the direct effect of greatly reducing transmission by reducing the average number of viruses shed per infected person. I started writing to the WHO and other authorities in mid-March, and started my first website on this later in March. Please see the research cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/.

John Umhau MD, MPH, CPE, of Maryland, https://www.verywellmind.com/john-umhau-4798192 is a retired Commander of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, who researched vitamin D for decades, and was unable to find any part of the U.S. public health administration which would take a real interest in vitamin D. (He told me this, in personal conversation.) He wrote about vitamin D and COVID-19 on 2020-03-25 in the prominent medical website MedPage Today: https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/85596

In January 2021 he wrote, with Richard H. Carmona, MD, MPH (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Carmona), Vatsal G. Thakkar, MD, an op-ed for a major newspaper (I don't recall which one, but it was probably the New York Times) on the need for proper vitamin D supplementation to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. It was rejected, despite it being co-written by Richard Carmona, the 17th Surgeon General of the United States, from 2002 to 2006 under President George W. Bush. So they put it in MedPage Today: https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/90530

40 to 60 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D has been known since at least 2008 as the level which everyone should aim to attain: https://www.grassrootshealth.net/project/our-scientists/ .

Even now, after 4 years of COVID-19 killing, directly and/or through the corrupted, deadly, pandemic responses, tens of millions of people, only a subset of the population understand the need for proper vitamin D3 supplementation in order that the immune system can work properly.

There is almost no vitamin D3 in food, and ultraviolet B light, which can generate it in the skin, is not available all year round and always damages DNA, so raising the risk of skin cancer.

A significant step in raising awareness of the need for proper vitamin D3 supplementation to enable the immune system to work properly was Dr Pierre Kory's interview with Tucker Carlson: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1768033041568727391 (3.8M views. Transcript of the ivermectin and vitamin D3 part of the interview https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/dr-pierre-kory-talks-with-tucker.) He states that "They are terrified of vitamin D" - and then cites Bill Grant's 2008 article on the suppression of vitamin D for decades, using the same tactics as Pierre Kory observed regarding ivermectin: "Vitamin D acceptance delayed by Big Pharma following the Disinformation Playbook" Orthomolecular Medicine News Service 2018-10-01 https://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v14n22.shtml.

The situation is extremely serious, but has been the case in many aspects of health policy since before the COVID-19 pandemic: The authorities, with the connivance or at least support of the majority of medical professionals and the mainstream media, are in some important respects, acting in ways which violate proper scientific and moral principles and have the pervasive effect of harming and killing the public, as well as misleading us about what is really needed to be healthy.

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Perhaps because of this:

"As of March 13, 2020 the National Security Council (NSC) was officially in charge of the US government’s Covid policy."


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It occurred to win and election. The whole world was destroyed to stop ONE man....and ya gotta wonder why.

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"Sweden was the only country in Europe not to lock down."

Technically Belarus' is in Europe.

The more interesting pandemic measures were in the non-Sweden Nordics, Australia, New Zealand, and East Asia (mainland China plus other parts).

From a pure prevention of deaths perspective, New Zealand had the most successful COVID policy anywhere in the world.

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