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Jul 22Liked by Kevin Bass PhD MS

The damage to the scientific community has been the funding of grants and who receives this funding. Those in charge today who make these decisions do so under a political and ideological spell that casts that spell onto the scientific communities. These institutions have been their own undoing. Science has lost its way shrouded in politics, mostly Leftist Progressive politics. So naturally it would be Leftist Progressives most in favor of the “sciences” as scientists become political lap dogs and the Right more skeptical as these lap dogs have turned into political fellow travelers and enforcers of the Political Leftist aims and goals. Real science, truth in science, if not in line with current political advancements gets relegated and defunded, shunned and sidelined, censored and eliminated. There is evidence of this all around us. Has absolutely nothing to do with “mostly educated” versus “mostly uneducated”. The “mostly educated” have been indoctrinated into mindless political virtue signaling while the “mostly uneducated” have been grappling with what’s left of truth and reality, hanging on amidst the power struggle of political ideologies on both sides and the Orwellian language that has replaced the language they grew up with. Once we sort out the layers upon layers of spin and obfuscation, then and only then can we begin our discovery and adventure into true scientific thought en mass where trust can be restored. Not to mention millions of the “mostly uneducated” are absorbing information like never before in their effort to sort through the BS for themselves.

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