I have been through similar: but in my case not as public nor as painful. I called out inappropriate behaviour by senior management (not re Covid); about 2 weeks later I was suspended against BS allegations from ( of course) the manager I complained about.

I fought back & refused to bend the knee.

I feel your pain at the injustice;

2 points from my experience:

1. Do you want to be right or happy? I am still at the company; but in another division. I decided not to litigate. This was the right call for me & my family. ( who were way stressed out by it all). This took 8 months of my life. Beware: these people have lied & deceived until now: they will double down with more lies. Be ready.

2. Ensure you maintain an intent to improve the system (& reduce exposure to the Board etc re litigation)/positive final outcome. If you just want revenge people will tire of your cause.

Good luck: never give up!

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One last thing: I will never tire of your cause. If its your call then FIGHT !!!

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Yes, the relentless harassment, lies, and abuse still continues. Destroying good people's lives, reputation, and character. I am sorry they keep on doing the things to destroy a good person. I will never grow old hearing this we must unite together for some sort of justice in some format. As Churchill said, "Never surrender", and "Never give Up", especially to fear.

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The awakening world is right behind you mate 👍👍👍

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Go for it Kevin.

A few years ago I was following Boone Cutler on FB, he’s the creator of the Spartan Pledge and co author with Michael Flynn on the 5G Warfare. He specializes in PsyOp. He very kindly mentored me, dealing with all my examples of living in the postmodern art world.

One consequence is I wrote and Amazon published 5 books on art. The author controls the narrative. Great experience.

My most important takeaway from the mentorship:

Aim to disrupt your enemies. That is the goal.

Not an outright win. It keeps the project manageable and fun, leaves room for positive works, and gives a lot of milestones to celebrate.

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Your truth and the legal truth have different meanings.

As you have a legal team aligned, make sure you discuss your disclosures to them so as not to let the University or the Administrators off the hook for accountability.

And as noted above, tell your truth with respect to your developed expertise in action for the general public.

You know I wish you well and am happy to support you if/when I am able.

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You should sue them!

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Best served cold.

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You understand the cost of fighting this war I wish you the best in the choices you will make and the outcome hopefully SERIOUS accountability as far up the ladder as you can go

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Do you have a telegram account?

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