Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Continue to use your energy to push against the authoritarians, useful idiots & elites. There are thousands of misguided people similar to the person you admit to being who are working to subvert the people. I’ll never respect anyone on the left ever again after Fauci actively sought to discredit the writers of the Great Barrington Accord - damn that man to hell. The people on the so-called right who are actually centrists are happy to live and let live. It is the left that is undermining social stability for no improvement for anyone who is not already an elite or rich. They are useful idiots in the service of the elites and power-hungry.

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Oct 16Liked by Kevin Bass PhD MS

"And I'm at the point where I have to decide how ruthless to be"....

Primus feri, valide feri, misereri noli. Deus solus misericors est.

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Love that.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Kevin Bass PhD MS

You, my friend, have been scapegoated. All the sins of the medical community in West Texas and beyond have been projected onto you. You have been driven out into the desert. Although innocent, you have been sacrificed. I know from personal experience how devastating this experience is.

It may be hard to believe, but there can be a silver lining to this experience. It may take years or even decades, but this kind of a dark night of the soul can be a purgative process. The scales over your eyes may be removed. You may be able to see things you could never have seen otherwise.

I wish you well on your sojourn!

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Kevin, look up the Posse Comitatus Act.

There is pretty substantial evidence the DOD has amended the act, quietly, as of 9/27/24, to allow the military to shoot at US citizens. I've long said, as have others, this election will be paramount. I truly believe either way it goes, there will be chaos, much worse than the summer of love in 2020.

We shall see where we are, come November 6, if not, by Christmas.

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The military shot up a few students at Kent State if I recall my misspent youth correctly. In America everybody shoots everybody. What's new?

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A word of caution, actually two words: sovereign immunity. Texas hid behind it in 2010 when sued by fired football coach Mike Leach, a very popular coach in the Tech community. He spent years afterwards, and thousands of dollars out of his own pocket, seeking justice. His inability to move past his firing, although he went on to coach at two other Power 5 schools, may have contributed to his declining health and eventual death.

You are facing a war of attrition, with all of the financial sources of Texas Tech and the medical establishment arrayed against you. Despite Texas’ reputation as a conservative state, much of the state bureaucracy has been captured. For example, the state board of Pharmacology has penalized pharmacists that filled prescriptions for Ivermectin for off label (COVID-19) uses, despite the dozens of studies and tests that demonstrated its efficacy.

Remember that your battle is not just the legal and educational forces of this world. There is a spiritual dynamic at work as well. May God grant you wisdom and discernment as you plot the next steps in your battle.

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I grew up with the benefit of having grand parents that visited Germany on business from Canada in the 1930’s. They were billeted at the home of the manager’s business they had gone to visit. On that visit they gained a front row view of what was transpiring to the German population / society. One example that has stuck with me was a warning to my grandparents from the father of the house they were staying at to be very careful of what they said in the presence of his daughter - she was a Hitler Youth. Also during their visit the police arrived at the home they were staying and took my grandfather away for questioning. Grandmother was very relieved upon his return. The police question him mostly on the matter of politics but he played along like he didn’t know the first thing - in reality he as very knowledgeable on the subjects of politics and history. The nature of things they observed concerned them very much, and I’m sure the farthest thing from there imagination was this ever being a possibility back home, but here we are finding ourselves going down a similar path, but just as in 1930’s Germany few pick up on the changes because they come in incrementally over a period of time. If someone was absent for the past 5 years and got dropped back in they would totally alarmed. We find ourselves at a crossroads, only time will tell reveal which way we go.

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There is a reason it is called a "hive mind". The individual ant or bee or termite takes on the hive's goals and desires. The bee evicerates itself when it leaves its pulsing stinger in the threat, along with a pheromone that identifies the threat to other bees. Its personal usefulness is over, but the hive lives on.

Bears do not live with bees. They may raid a hive occasionally, but mostly bears can live without what the hive offers, and do pretty well just living a bear life.

Those of us who tried to function within various hives have already begun to move out, away, and are working to find the other bears. We can't live with the bees. We carry the scent of threat. They will sting and not care how many of their own are lost, because the hive is preserved. The bear realizes eventually that he is on his own ... and figures out that playing their game isn't worth it. It's only honey.

We can't make the bees fair, or better, or even aware of what they are. They only know to preserve the hive.

On the good news side, when the ruler - the queen bee - dies, the hive dies with it. Right now, all the queens are aging and flailing at their inability to preserve the hive beyond them....there is no succession plan, or their existing offspring are coddled weaklings, incapable of leading the workers.

The edifice is crumbling. Feet of clay are revealed. Move away from the hives. When they understand what is happening, they turn on each other.

Meanwhile, the bears are building their winter dens, setting up their own systems, and preparing for a long rest. We know spring is coming. Bears dream of spring.

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Well! Actual human beings shoot bears when they need either a warm coat or a nice rug and keep bees for their honey. Scientists study both species, rather than try to be Yogi Bear if/whenever they grow up. Nice try.

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I see you don't understand allegory. 🤷

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And you do understand parody!

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I don't see any parody. The straw men and hubris get in the way

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Of course you don't see parody. You missed the irony. There are no straw men. Mere ad hominem.

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Glad you understand that you are using the technique favored by those without legitimate arguments. Congrats on stooping that low

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Yes, of course they will. They will do it because of what Mark Halperin just said to Tucker. The people in power (some the same) will act to save the (mostly white women and minorities) from mental health episodes. For oppression-fixated blacks, electoral fraud has always been justified as akin to the Underground Railroad. It is acceptable to break the law to escape evil that enslaves them. Trump is evil incarnate. Every election the Democrats ramp up the rhetoric about evil subjugation to get their people to commit fraud. Obama is doing that right now. He is signaling that we are going to need more fraud. And most importantly the Democrats ran a coup in 2016 and continued. They launched a COVID PSYOP and earned billions in payola. They cannot lose the ability to protect their crimes by losing the Department of Justice. They will use their CIA to steal this election as they did in 2020.

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Thanks for your courage. Unfortunately cleansing institutions is a long and messy process… but it would never happen but for honest truth-tellers like yourself. Give it another ten years brother. These folks will eventually confront what they did and who they were. You can privately take consolation in doing the right thing in the face of a mob and that’s one of the hardest things anyone can do. Respect.

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This isn’t a process of the Left changing-we’re watching the purification of the social justice types and everyone else (liberals, working class black folks, union members, etc) leaving the Democrat voting base. It turns out that making your project the wholesale remaking of society (against notions of history and science and tradition) has pretty limited popular appeal, outside academia and a bunch of increasingly rebellious institutions…


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Perhaps the cheapest route to recovery would be to ignore the evil against you and head into the light, contributing to the positive exchange of information that may eventually change the current climate of lies. I was always amazed that the left could go down such an evil path after having seen the power of lies during the McCarthy era. But, time showed no evidence of their understanding of the similarity of this witch hunt. They have no limits as you are saying, so unless you have endless resources you may fair better by choosing a path that will allow for truth to continue to come out and align with those who need your facts. If you have the ability to speak out I pray it works for you to do so on larger and larger platforms, the world needs the truth.

In terms of Trump, I agree, I have plans to go away for a few days for the election because I expect Trump to lose and I do not expect it to be a legal/fair election. I have to hold our elected officials responsible because if you know it and I know it why aren’t they doing more to stop it. This country is at a turning point and it is very hard to keep up a caring mindset. The disappointment is so heavy and without a clear path out of the disaster, I am left with a feeling of America becoming just another third world government where those who want to be in charge manipulate elections and media to make people think it is honest and above board. Ha!

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"In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule." ~ Nietzsche

Anyone daring to challenge dominant institutions and ideologies must keep this in mind. This is not just a battle against bad information and manipulative communication; it is a confrontation with real insanity, manifest through social systems and cultural assumptions regarded by the masses as unquestionable truths, i.e. dogma. Hold your hats, folks.

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They have to. It’s self preservation for them.

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Glad you saw the light, sorry it ruined your potential career. This country is going down the toilet. I think I'd like to go live a simpler life in Latin America, if I was not encumbered.

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You lost me with your support for Trump. Someone who boasts about grabbing pussy... Immigrants eating cats... Who promotes so many lies himself... You seriously think he's defending anyone else's interests but his own? Trump is for Trump alone. You seriously think he's a bastion of integrity? I'm further left than the democrats myself, but am repulsed by their public health policy and cancel culture, but your oblivion to Trump's BS undermines your credibility. Just because one politician is bad, it unfortunately doesn't make their opponent better.

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I think Trump is amazing, and I think you’re brainwashed.

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trump's private boasting is entirely irrelevant. His policy is what matters. His policy was beneficial to Americans and was pro-civil rights. He also cut off funding to various islamic nazi regimes, which is why there was peace in the ME. Biden and Harris restored funding, enabling them to pay people to kill Jews. People that support Biden and Harris are mentally ill, and many years of mass media programming have made them this way.

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I agree. I’ll try to upgrade when I can.

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